Thursday, March 6, 2025


Woodbine Airport Benefits from FAA Funding


By Herald Staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo (R-2nd), a member of the House Aviation Subcommittee, on June 11 announced $2,378,600 in federal funding from the Federal Aviation Administration for three regional airports, one being Woodbine’s.
The Atlantic City International Airport and Hammonton airports were the others.
The FAA has awarded $111,153 to the Woodbine Port Authority for the municipal airport, and $315,445 in federal funding to Hammonton for its airport.
“This is outstanding news! I am very pleased three of our local airports will receive substantial federal investments for security, training and safety improvements,” stated LoBiondo in a release. “In particular, the ongoing improvements to ACY strengthen the local transportation network of the city, helping to bring additional visitors and tourism dollars to the region. In continuing public-private partnership with local projects, each of these federal grants will go a long way to ensure further safe operation of the facilities for residents and visitors to South Jersey.”
“The $2.3 million federal funding allocation will enhance the ongoing airport improvement efforts and ultimately stimulate the regional economy” said Kris Kolluri, state Department of Transportation commissioner and South Jersey Transportation Authority chairman.
The funding for the Woodbine Port Authority will assist in the expansion of the transient apron at the municipal airport. This expansion will connect the access road to the existing airfield facilities.
“The congressman and the FAA recognize the importance of the airport to Woodbine and its residents. Fixed-based and transient aircraft that depend on the airport will benefit from the improvements we can make. Without Congressman LoBiondo’s support, this kind of project wouldn’t have been funded,” said Woodbine Mayor William Pikolycky.
The Atlantic City International Airport was awarded two federal grants for its various projects. The first award of $1,927,078 is for the purchase of an interactive computer training system for the staff at the airport and snow removal equipment. Also, security enhancements reviewed and approved by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will also be made with the funding. Under the second award of $451,522, the airport will update its master plan study to include a comprehensive future demand assessment that is market and survey-based. The last master plan was completed in 1996.
“The grants Congressman LoBiondo has obtained over the years on behalf of the airport have had significant regional impact. Every $1 million spent on airport projects creates $2 million in economic activity in the region including 16 full time jobs,” said Bart Mueller, executive director of the SJTA.
The $315,445 in federal funding for the Town of Hammonton will go to rehabilitation of the access road which connects the airport facilities, hangars and aprons. Additionally, the funding will help with the installation of 3,000 feet of perimeter fencing.
“This is more great news for the airport,” said Hammonton Mayor John DiDonato. “The ultimate goal is to do an expansion to the runway and with the congressman’s support of past and hopefully future federal grants, we will continue to move forward.”
The federal funding is awarded from the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program. Eligible projects include those improvements related to enhancing airport safety, capacity, security, and environmental concerns. Any professional services that are necessary for eligible projects — such as planning, surveying, and design — are eligible as is runway, taxiway, and apron pavement maintenance. Aviation demand at the airport must justify the projects, which must also meet Federal environmental and procurement requirements.

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