PETERSBURG – Upper Township Committee met July 24. Business Manager Scott Morgan announced that Upper was one of two municipalities, along with Lower Township, among the county’s 16 municipalities which had achieved a 50 percent rate or better of solid waste diversion.
“This is a great achievement and we have Public Works to thank for their hard work to help us exceed the MUA (Municipal Utilities Authority) goal with a 57 percent diversion rate,” Morgan said.
Campground Licenses
Committee considered a resolution to renew campground licenses.
“There is an issue with Echo Farms receiving the necessary county health approvals,” said Solicitor Daniel Young. “I talked to the county health people and approval is expected shortly. I suggest that committee approves all the licenses on the agenda and for Echo Farms delay enforcement until the next meeting at which time they should have their county approval. If not, we can take appropriate action then,” Young continued.
Committee approved the resolution per Young’s recommendation.
Recycling Containers for Businesses
Committee approved a resolution that establishes the cost for the purchase of additional three-cubic-yard recycling containers for businesses in the township. “The first container is free and the second container will cost $750,” said Young.
Antique Car Show
Committee member Hobart Young said he wanted to inform the group that he had learned about a potential charitable opportunity for the township to organize a festival sponsored and promoted by Upper.
“For many years there has been an antique car show in Egg Harbor Township but this year the authorization was not given to proceed. There were issues about the parking and so many people gathered in an area not large enough. The organizer has come to us and asked if we would like to hold the event. Amanda’s Field would have enough room and could generate some funds for us to make capital improvements for our recreation department. Everything is in place and the cars are already registered,” explained Young.
“You don’t have a lot of time since they want to hold this event in early November but please continue to get more information and let’s see if we can move forward,” said Mayor Richard Palombo.
Coastal Research Center Report
Township Engineer Paul Dietrich summarized the “Coastal Research Center Municipal Shoreline” report for the first and second quarters of this year.
“The first quarter was OK, the second there has been some moving off of sand and erosion which in places has created scarping (erosion of dunes so that they become steep with a precipitous drop off). Public Works was quick to take corrective action since these severe drop offs can be a safety issue for people walking to and from the beach,” Dietrich explained.
Slow Down on Route 50
During public comment, Petersburg resident Nathalie Niess asked if there is anything that can be done to promote a slower speed limit along Route 50 where she lives.
“There have been four accidents outside my house in the last nine months. People are just driving too fast. Even though the speed limit is 45 mph or even 40 mph it should be 35 mph because this is a residential area and there are many people walking, kids riding their bikes, people walking their animals,” she said.
“Route 50 is a state road and it’s not an easy task to get the speed limit changed, “said Palombo. “There is a lot of traffic now in summer with visitors but we can’t be sure any accidents are happening because of speed. So let’s ask the state to do an analysis and study what’s causing these accidents to occur.”
To contact Camille Sailer, email
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