PETERSBURG – During public comment at the June 13 Upper Township Committee meeting, a resident asked why the assistant business administrator position was being eliminated, which committee members had just approved by resolution.
Mayor Curtis Corson responded, “We didn’t know what direction the township was going in January when we approved creation of this position. We now have a full-time business administrator, so we don’t, at the time, need the assistant position. We can always add that position back in just as easily as we are eliminating it now.”
Chief Financial Officer Barbara Ludy added that the expense of the assistant position will be returned to the municipality’s general fund.
In recent months, the Herald has reported that the creation of the business administrator position has generated ongoing controversy among residents and concern from at least one Committee member, John Coggins, for what they said was the lack of transparency in selecting Gary DeMarzo to fill the role, as well as failure to follow usual and customary hiring practices.