STONE HARBOR – Stone Harbor Council heard specifics on a proposed water and sewer rate increase at a council work session Oct. 18. While the rate increase will bring in more revenue, over half of the properties in the borough will see no increase in their bills.
What is being proposed is more than a rate increase. It is a rate structure change that moves higher charges to those who use more water. The 45% of the homes that will see an increase in the water bills will be on a graduated scale depending on the amount of water used.
Currently, the connections to the clean water distribution system and the sanitary sewer system are both flat rates. The clean water system includes a base rate of up to 10,000 gallons per quarter. The new proposal combines the two separate charges into one charge. The 10,0000-gallon base use level remains. What follows is a tiered schedule for water and sewer that increases the rates for excess use. These changes are based on the primary water line to the property.
The new proposed system of charges will be spelled out in an ordinance which council plans to introduce at its first meeting in November.
Del Haven – To the Middle Twp. Police administrator who said he was on the outside looking in at the police dept.. You are correct. You have no idea what you are doing and how you make your officers feel. You…