PETERSBURG – Upper Township Committee July 10 took several measures to get drivers to slow down.
The governing body passed two resolutions supporting advocacy with the county to have a reduced speed limit and a no-passing zone established along both Commonwealth Avenue in Strathmere and also along Stagecoach Road.
Committee member John Coggins asked, “Would it be easier to have the speed limit changed from the current 35 mph to 30 rather than the 25 mph we are requesting? Maybe the county will be more inclined to go along with a 5 mph reduction rather than 10?”
Mayor Richard Palombo said, “My feeling is that we should go with 25 mph since then we have an argument for a major change, and that speed limit is more in keeping with these residential sections. Let’s see how this plays out.”
Business manager Scott Morgan had a related update, noting that “Residents along Neptune Avenue in Strathmere put out their own speed bumps because people are driving too fast there and they are concerned for their children and pets.
“Public Works returned the speed bumps to the residents because they were not attached or approved. But we’re going to take a hard look at the situation there along with the State Police to come up with a solution.”
Businesses Recycling
Deputy Mayor Edward Barr raised the issue of recycling for the township’s businesses which is a new initiative for Upper.
“I’d like to recommend that we don’t make any charge for the first dumpster that business is required to use and any additional dumpsters they need we can charge for those.
“It would be an incentive for them to participate in the program. We should also extend the same courtesy as we do to township residents by giving them their first trash receptacle for free.”
Committee member Curtis Corson added, “As a business owner I can say some of the seasonal businesses might have a hard time shifting to the dumpsters in the middle of the summer.”
Discussion ensued as to whether any fee had been established by resolution or within the ordinance, itself, requiring the use of the dumpsters.
Solicitor Daniel Young said he would research whether the township had required that businesses purchase the needed dumpster. Committee agreed to move forward and then adjust, as needed, any implementing resolution or ordinance to provide for free dumpsters per Barr’s recommendation.
Flood Damage Control
Township Engineer Paul Dietrich talked about input from the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for Upper’s flood damage control ordinance.
“DEP reviewed our ordinance and came back with some additional changes beyond what the planning board recommended so that we can certify our program.
“All this is part of us adopting the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) flood maps so that our residents can stay at their current insurance premiums or even in some cases have their premiums reduced.
“The zones are staying the same, but there may be some new restrictions regarding allowable elevation for new construction. Existing buildings will be grandfathered in, however,” Dietrich said.
Young said he would review the DEP input and then revise the ordinance as needed for the introduction to the committee.
“We need to have everything in place for implementation by Oct. 5 of this year,” added Dietrich.
Bike Steering Meeting to Start
Dietrich reported that the township’s bike steering committee would have its kick-off meeting at a date shortly, specific date to be announced.
“We’re looking beyond bike trails on Harbor Road, Route 9 and Roosevelt Boulevard and seeing how we can connect to the county’s trails.”
To contact Camille Sailer, email
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