STONE HARBOR – Earlier this month, Stone Harbor Borough Council voted to relocate an emergency warning device, located on a pole, at 106th Street.
In an unusual vote, the motion to relocate the device appeared to carry, with three yes votes, one no, and two abstentions.
Borough Solicitor Marcus Karavan Feb. 16 explained state law requires the resolution needed a majority of the votes “that could have votes,” meaning the two abstentions, in effect, became no votes, denying the resolution passage.
This is the latest setback in the saga of Ned and Sharon Galbally, who have been trying to have the device relocated from next to their home for 12 years.
Also at issue with the earlier vote was the lack of consensus on where to relocate the siren.
At the Feb. 16 meeting, council agreed to investigate installing the warning device in nearby Chelsea Park. A process will get underway to ascertain what the homeowners in the proposed area say about the move.
For the time being, the warning device will remain where it is.