WEST WILDWOOD ─ “You’re delusional,” MaryAnn Walsh said to Mayor Christopher Fox Aug. 7.
During a West Wildwood Commissioners’ meeting, several residents called upon the mayor and Commissioner Scott Golden to resign.
The borough administration is comprised of Fox and Golden since Commissioner Cornelius Maxwell’s June resignation. Residents accused Golden and Maxwell of “secret meetings” in 2012, passing resolutions clearing Police Chief Jacquelyn Ferentz of all disciplinary charges.
Fox said the charges, brought by former Mayor Herbert “Chuck” Frederick, were “ridiculous.” Golden said commissioners followed the advice of then legal counsel Mary D’Arcy Bittner.
“You (Fox) should step down,” resident John Banning said.
Fox said he would not step down and no punitive damages occurred in Ferentz’s case. According to Borough Solicitor Marcus Karavan, nothing can alter Ferentz’s $1.8 million jury award.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…