Thursday, March 6, 2025


Homeless on Their Minds

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By Vince Conti

COURT HOUSE – The June 4 public comment period at Middle Township Committee’s meeting saw individuals with different political persuasions agreeing that the homeless situation in the township needs more aggressive attention. 
Sam Kelly, previously a Democratic candidate for township committee, argued that the township needed to by-pass the freeholders and appeal directly to the state. 
What Kelly characterized as a threat by Freeholder Director Gerald Thornton to dump the problem on the municipalities means “it is time to pass him,” Kelly said.
Kelly was making reference to a recent exchange with municipal officials from Wildwood, Middle and Lower, at which Thornton called the issue “a municipal problem.” 
Ed Dillio began his comments by admitting that “I am seldom in agreement with Sam Kelly’s position.” He went on to agree. “This is a real problem, and we need to do something about it,” Dillio said.
Middle Township bears a disproportionate burden in the homeless problem since most of the motels used as emergency shelters are in Rio Grande near the county Social Services office that issues temporary housing vouchers.
Police Chief Christopher Leusner has been on record several times arguing that a comprehensive solution is needed. Yet, a broad-based approach to the problem has been elusive.
Organizations, agencies, and churches all play a part in attempts to address the issue. 
The Branches Outreach Center in Rio Grande, Cape Hope Cares, The Lighthouse Church, and many other groups work to provide essentials such as food and emergency shelter.
What advocates press for most is a shelter supported by the county. That is the step county officials have resisted.
Kelly said that the “voucher system is broken and everyone knows that,” referencing the county program that provides temporary housing in motels for homeless individuals that meet state criteria.
As for claims that the problem is largely a municipal one, Kelly and other advocates disagree.
“Municipalities cannot handle this problem by themselves,” Kelly said.
Advocates also argue that “point-in-time” counts severely under count the number of homeless. 
The Corporation for Supportive Housing, for example, claims that the number of individuals and families experiencing homelessness is as much as three to six times the number reports in “point-in-time” counts.
The public comments at the meeting were part of an ongoing expression of concern about the issue. Many agree that something needs to be done.  Specifically what, by whom, and under whose leadership is more elusive.
To contact Vince Conti, email

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