SEA ISLE CITY — One of the main requests by residents here during the recent campaign process was that they have a voice in the new government.
On June 28, the newly elected Council continued its efforts to grant that request when members held another meeting to solicit volunteers for new committees to help advise city leaders, assess needs and make recommendations regarding certain issues.
Around 60 residents attended the meeting hosted by Councilmen John Divney, Frank Edwardi and Bill Kehner at the Community Lodge on JFK Boulevard and were given the opportunity to sign up for different committees.
Council members Mike McHale and Mary Tighe did not attend the meeting.
“We (council members) haven’t cornered the market on brains here,” Divney said. “We are looking for as much help as we can get.”
Eleven committees have been formed and broken down into two general categories. Seven committees fall under the general city improvement category and four committees are more specifically geared towards business development.
Under the general city improvement category, council members were looking for volunteers for the following committees: beautification, grants, communication, information systems, financial advisory, non-tax revenue generation and flood insurance discounts.
The four business committees – zoning, parking, shoulder seasons and teenager development – were already formed when council members met with the business community on June 13 and have been meeting since.
Each committee has a council representative who acts as an advisor and a go-to person in the government, Divney said.
Divney represents the zoning, information systems and financial advisory committees; Edwardi – teenagers development and communications; Kehner – parking, non-tax revenue and flood insurance; McHale – zoning and beautification; and Tighe – shoulder season and grants.
Committees will have monthly reviews, Kehner explained, to ensure that they stay true to their missions and don’t get sidetracked.
One resident who described himself as a snowbird – someone who spends summers here and winters in Florida or other warm climates – asked if he could sign up for a committee even though he only lives in Sea Isle part-time.
Councilman Frank Edwardi said he could.
“Even if you’re only here three months,” he said, “we still appreciate the help.”
Another resident asked if he could join more than one committee.
Council members agreed that, if he had the time, he could join as many committees as he wanted.
Divney estimated after the meeting that over 100 residents had signed up for the committees.
“Everyone is getting involved, I think it’s great” he said.
Any residents who were unable to attend the council meetings but would still like to join a committee should call City Hall for information at 609-263-4461.
Contact Hart at (609) 886-8600 Ext 35 or at:
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