WILDWOOD CREST – Improvements to 11 additional street-end public beach access areas in the Borough of Wildwood Crest are set to commence this month.
Construction on street-end beach access areas at Toledo, St. Paul, Monterey, Miami, Louisville, Nashville and Atlanta avenues and Farragut, Stanton, Stockton and Orchid roads is scheduled to begin Wednesday, Feb. 22. Construction has been authorized to continue until being suspended for the summer season on or before Friday, May 19. Any unfinished work will then commence on or after Thursday, Sept. 7. All work will be completed before the end of 2023.
The borough and its contractor are committed to completing the job as quickly as possible and will make every effort to minimize disruption to beachgoers and neighbors.
Improvements and added amenities include wider and longer timber platforms, cable railings, bike racks, additional benches and foot-washing stations/showers. Work also includes removal and replacement of existing concrete, curbs, sidewalks and driveways. All work will be done in accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
The borough has previously completed similar construction on street-end public beach access areas at all streets from Jefferson through Denver avenues and also at Rambler Road.
Improvements to beach access areas north of Rambler Road is tentatively set to begin this fall. Those improvements include the installation of foot showers, bike racks and benches; the widening of access ramps; improved landscaping; and upgrades to the bike path.
More details are available on the Special Projects page of the wildwoodcrest.org website.
For more information, contact the Borough of Wildwood Crest at (609) 522-5176 or the borough’s engineer, DeBlasio and Associates, at (609) 854-3311.
Rio Grande – In order for our Firefighters and EMS to make their calls they need to be able to get out of their streets..in the past when there is a forecast ..ahead of time..trucks were out brining/sanding …..