STONE HARBOR – Stone Harbor Borough Council adopted one ordinance Nov. 6 and passed three resolutions implementing its settlement with the Fair Share Housing Council, an advocacy group representing affordable housing needs. The settlement will shield the borough from potential developer suits until 2025.
In the settlement, the borough agreed to allow affordable units above the first floor of commercial properties in the business district, to permit an accessory apartment program and to require a set aside of 15 percent to 20 percent of all units as affordable from developers building a five or more unit complex in the borough.
The settlement does not require the borough to provide any affordable units. It only requires that the opportunities listed above exist.
Villas – Things I am thankful to have had: The freedom to wander with my dog until dinnertime when I was kid, walking to school, innocent overnights, skinny dipping, sneaking out the window to meet my beau.