Thursday, March 6, 2025


West Cape May Kids Learn Joy of Gardening


By Jack Fichter

WEST CAPE MAY — In a borough once known for the vegetables its farmers grew, elementary school students here are learning to plant and care for everything from squash to beans.
The project for West Cape May Elementary School students from pre-K to sixth grade is sponsored by the PTA and Nature Center of Cape May. Kim Hannum, of the Nature Center, showed off a “Three Sisters Garden,” a concept used by Native Americans. The plot has corns, beans and squash that all help each other to grow. The corn supports the squash, the squash shades the ground and the beans return nitrogen to the soil. Hannum said the three eaten together create a complete protein.
Seedings have been auctioned to raise money for the project, she said. The students will track the growth of their seedlings.
The selection of plantings includes garlic, potatoes, snow peas, Swiss chard, strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, radishes, broccoli, lettuce and tomatoes. Hannum said a workday is held in the school’s garden each Monday afternoon.
The students will be able to take home produce and some will be sold at the Nature Center, she said.
Hannum said she instructs the students to plant the seeds deep in the soil which is the result of composting including manure from a nearby Alpaca farm. A family of young rabbits has built a hutch among one bed of vegetables.
The students are also planting a butterfly garden featuring milkweed, parsley and dill. The bedding is in the shape of a butterfly.
The West Cape May Environmental Commission is offering students grades K through six, who are residents of West Cape May, a free 4-day program of their choice this summer at the Nature Center.
The environmental education programs focus on a variety of topics that are designed to introduce young people to the creatures and ecosystems of South Jersey.
Those interested in enrolling a child in one of these free summer programs, can request a registration form by calling West Cape May Borough Hall at 884-1005. Please leave your child’s name, address, grade, school, and your phone number when you call.

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