AVALON – Besides power outages and debris cleanups, Tropical Storm Isaias’ effects are still being felt along the coast.
According to published reports, sea lice emerged at county beaches, likely a result of the storm bringing water from the south northbound. They’re a larvae form of the thimble jellyfish, leaving bathers with an itchy sensation after they’ve been stung.
Avalon Beach Patrol described an instance Aug. 1 where many bathers at the 28th Street Beach reported feeling an itching sensation on their skin.
A story from NBC 10 noted that a sea lice’s sting can cause a mild rash or severe welts, where, at that point, medical attention would be needed.
Read full story here.
Sea Isle City – Is anyone concerned or suspicious that we are actually spending $1M on lighting? And do we know what company the city has hired to install said lights? Inquiring minds want to know!