After a recent media blitz featuring Gus, the second most popular groundhog in Pennsylvania, I have a good idea what I would do with my PA lottery winnings.
I think I’d hire Punxsutawney Phil to “bump” off Gus. Punxsutawney knows what makes a Groundhog number one.
You lay low for 364 days of the year and make a big splash on that one special day. When it comes to groundhogs, less is more.
Have you noticed the tulips on Main Street and the forsythia on Route 610 in Dennisville?
If you haven’t you must be driving with your eyes closed. The whole township is bursting with spring color and it looks beautiful.
We are lucky to live in such a beautiful spot.
Speaking of beautiful spots in the township, the recreation complex is teeming with activity.
The Easter Egg Hunt was a big success, thanks in part to Mother Nature.
The Rec staff had a nice size crowd participate in an annual spring event that this township looks forward to each season.
The baseball fields are busy with team practices. The expansion of the field in the back will offer a new challenge for any kid wanting to hit one over the fence.
Runners, power walkers and the casual strollers can be spotted on the walking trail all through the day.
Remember to pick up after your dog – ever try cleaning stuff out of baseball cleats???
Call me with your team’s accomplishments.
Who’s your pitcher? How about the kid behind the plate in the catcher’s equipment? Give me some info, please.
The Senior Center is keeping busy during the spring.
Rosie’s Book Club has a new novel they’re discussing. “Pauley’s Island” by Dorothy Frank is the latest reason to join this active group.
The Red Hats are out and about again. This month the “Hats” are heading to the Avalon Links for a lunch buffet.
Call Rosie at 861-3137 to let her know you’re interested.
Give me a call and let me know what else is happening at the center. There’s a weekly schedule of activities and I bet Marie Sullivan is looking for unfinished craft projects for the group to work on.
Slip into your boots and enjoy the line dancing on Fridays from 10 – 11 a.m.
Ballroom dancing will get you moving and grooving while enjoying the company of your friends and neighbors each Friday at 1 p.m.
Middle Township High School has an Academics Award Night listed on the yearly calendar for May 30.
As a sending district I know we have a few students that will be raking in an award or two.
Your job is to call me and let me know what your kid earned.
Give a wave to the next Public Works crew you see around town.
This department is doing a great job of keeping our township looking its best. When the township is picked as one of the Top Ten best places to live in New Jersey, you can bet “looks” plays a big role in the choices.
Until next week, remember teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar.
Call me, pleeease.
Green Creek – Is it true that a Millville employee will become Middle's new superintendent?