Thursday, March 6, 2025


Indictments Filed Aug. 23

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By Vince Conti

COURT HOUSE – A Cape May County grand jury handed up 24 indictments Aug. 23. The abbreviation for controlled dangerous substance used below is CDS. 
Alfred J. Suez
A six-month investigation, Operation Statewide, led to multiple arrests across New Jersey for possession and distribution of child pornography. One of the 40 arrested was Alfred Suez, 72, of North Wildwood. Suez was indicted on one count of endangering the welfare of a child, second degree, for possession of pictures and/or films that depict children in a “prohibited sex act.” A conviction for a second-degree offense can carry a five to 10-year prison term.
Mark Pisa
Mark Pisa, 46, of Philadelphia, was involved in a single motorcycle crash in September 2015 on Route 47 in Green Creek. At the time he was alleged to be in possession of a stolen handgun, a Smith and Wesson 9mm. This week Pisa was indicted on an additional “certain person:” count second degree. Pisa had been convicted of burglary in Pennsylvania in 1993 and was thus prohibited from carrying a weapon.
Riki Bryant
Riki Bryant, 38, of North Wildwood, was indicted for forgery and uttering a false instrument, each fourth degree. In dealing with the county Board of Social Services, Bryant allegedly submitted an altered lease agreement in an attempt to increase her benefits.
Matthew Freeman
Matthew Freeman, 34, of Woodbine, was indicted for fraudulent use of a credit card and theft, each third-degree, as well as unlawful receipt of a credit card, fourth-degree. Freeman allegedly took the credit card in early June and used it to charge merchandise valued more than $500.
Jallah Herron
Allegedly entered a parked 2005 Chrysler Pacifica and took property valued more than $500 that led Jallah Herron, 22, of Wildwood, to an indictment for burglary and theft, third degree. Alleged possession of more than five pills of ibuprofen 600 mg added a fourth-degree count for prescription legend drugs.
William Jonas III
William Jonas, currently of Wildwood, was adjudicated delinquent in 2002 on a charge of criminal sexual contact. He is required to notify local law enforcement of any change of address. His alleged failure to do so led to an indictment for failure to register a change of address, third degree.
Fonzell Bevans, Miguel Rivera-Ramos
Following an investigation concerning illicit drug sales from a multi-family dwelling in Wildwood, police arrested Miguel Rivera-Ramos, 39, of Woodbine, and Fonzell Bevans, 29, of Camden. Rivera-Ramos was indicted this week on a string of drug offenses.
The indictment of Rivera-Ramos includes eight separate counts. He is accused of possession of both heroin and cocaine, distribution of heroin, possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, distribution and possession with intent within 1,000 feet of a school, all third degree, and distribution and possession with intent within 500 feet of public property, both second degree.
Bevans was indicted for possession of heroin, third degree.
Lamar Q. Walker
Lamar Walker, of Ocean City, was indicted for two counts of possession of a CDS and two counts of possession with intent to distribute all third degree. The indictment also alleges that Walker had responsibility for the care of two young children, ages 2 and 3. Their lack of care fit the definition in the indictment of “abused or neglected” children. That led to two counts of second-degree endangering the welfare of a child.
Gary Santiago-Mora
Gary Santiago-Mora, of Ocean City, was indicted for possession of a prohibited weapon, fourth degree. The weapon was a stun gun.
John Pettit
John Pettit, 28, of Woodbine, was indicted for fourth-degree criminal mischief after he allegedly knowingly caused damage to property of the New Jersey State Police.
Jermaine Russell
Jermaine Russell, 27, of Woodbine, was indicted for possession of a CDS and possession with intent to distribute, both third degree. The drug in question was cocaine.
Jessica Wisneski
During June in Cape May, Jessica Wisneski allegedly unlawfully took a credit card of another and used it in local stores and online. The merchandise obtained was valued at more than $200. She was indicted for unlawful receipt of a credit card and theft, both fourth degree, along with the third-degree fraudulent use of a credit card.
William Dadura, Michelle Douglas
William Dadura, 33, and Michelle Douglas, 39, both of Wildwood, were indicted for possession of a CDS, buprenorphine, third degree. Dadura was also charged with distribution of a CDS and distribution within 1,000 feet of a school, both third-degree counts.
Daniella K. Claxton
Daniella Claxton, 28, of Villas, was indicted for third-degree theft in connection with the alleged taking of more than $500 from a hair salon in Middle Township during the period from November 2013 and June 2015.
Wendy Bonafair, Andrew Braun, Thomas Edger, Michael Gillen, Miguel Gutierrez-Novoa, Daniella Panichella and Andrew Shan
Wendy Bonafair, 47, of West Hazelton, Pa., Andrew Braun, 25, of Ocean City, Thomas Edger, 32, of Wildwood, Michael Gillen, 21, of Wildwood, Miguel Gutierrez-Novoa, 51, of Wildwood, Daniella Panichella, 23, of West Deptford, and Andrew Shan, of Wildwood, were each indicted separately for possession of a CDS, third degree.
The above individuals are only charged with the offenses and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

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