Thursday, March 6, 2025


Indictments Filed April 2

Court Gavel Image

By Vince Conti

COURT HOUSE – A Cape May County grand jury handed up nine indictments April 2.
The abbreviation CDS below stands for controlled dangerous substance.
A “certain person” charge can be brought against an individual who has been previously convicted of a felony and is subsequently found in possession of a weapon.
The individuals listed are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Ashley L. Gentek
Ashley Gentek, 31, of Villas was indicted for fourth-degree operating a motor vehicle while under second license suspension. 
Julia K. Kehner
In Wildwood Crest in December 2018, Julia Kehner was arrested for driving with a suspended license. The grand jury indicted her for the fourth-degree count of operating a motor vehicle while under second license suspension.
Wilson Laracuente
Wilson Laracuente, of Court House, faces a two-count indictment, both counts were third-degree possession of a CDS. The substances involved were buprenorphine and pregabalin. Pregabalin is a drug used for relieving neuropathic pain or for control of epilepsy. 
Paul E. Conway
Paul Conway, of Wildwood, was indicted for possession of a CDS, heroin, third degree, and for hindering apprehension, fourth degree. The indictment stated that Conway provided false information to a law enforcement officer in an attempt to avoid arrest.
Damion M. Espada
According to the indictment, Damion Espada, 26, of Wildwood, attempted to pass two counterfeit $100 bills at a store in Rio Grande. The indictment stated that Espada, after conspiring with an unindicted co-defendant, acted with full knowledge that he was facilitating a fraud when he uttered the bills to be true. He faces a three-count indictment for uttering a forged instrument and conspiracy, both third degree, along with criminal simulation, fourth degree.
Kyle L. Middleton
Kyle Middleton, 27, of Villas, was arrested Dec. 31, 2018 on drug and weapons charges. Middleton was indicted for fourth-degree possession with intent to distribute a CDS, marijuana, along with a fourth-degree certain person offense.
What turned the indictment into something more serious was possession of a “BB handgun.” As a result, Middleton faces a count for possession of a weapon during the commission of a CDS crime, a second-degree offense.  Conviction of a second-degree crime can carry a prison sentence of five to 10 years.
The certain person charge is due to Middleton’s previous 2014 conviction for aggravated assault, after which he was no longer allowed to legally possess a weapon.
Joseph P. Patitucci
Joseph Patitucci, 19, of Rio Grande, was indicted in the third degree for theft of greater than $500 worth of merchandise from a Rio Grande grocery store.
Lawson T. Ward
Lawson Ward, 36, of Wildwood, was indicted for the third-degree offense of failure to re-register following a change of address. Ward was convicted in 1994 of aggravated criminal sexual contact. That conviction required him to thereafter register his address with local law enforcement.
Daniel Loper-Leveille, Elena M. Connelly
Daniel Loper-Leveille, 27, and Elena Connelly, 25, face third-degree counts for burglary and theft. The Feb. 15 incident involved illegal entry to a Pacific Avenue apartment.

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