Nestled in small town Beaver, Utah – Boring Rifles was created to fill a void in the firearms industry. There is no argument about the ridiculous amount of Macho Fluff that surrounds the industry but here at Boring Rifles you won’t find that attitude. We are busy building the best rifles possible to give our customers and family the best shooting experience known to man. We do not over Fluff our stuff, we have no reason to! We strive to not only give customers the best bang for the buck in the custom rifle industry. But also to build them the most satisfying piece of equipment they could ask for, Both physically and visually. A lot of companies build rifles, but nobody builds your rifle like we do. We build and treat every rifle as if it were our own. Exacting tolerances between the barrel and receiver, ensuring all components become one. In turn, creating the best shooting experience possible. We invite you to become part of the boring family. When you buy a rifle, that’s what you become – family. We are here anytime you may need help. We 100% stand behind our craftsmanship and our work. Every rifle is shot by hand with a bipod and rear bag at 100 yards. You won’t find fake groups from us, you will only find a rifle you can count on.
Cape May County – I believe it is time that California be returned to the indigenous people who lived there. They understood the land and the weather and built dwellings made as part of the earth and took care of the…