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Sunday, September 29, 2024


The Holy Family and the Night Blooming Cereus

By Herald Staff

By Jacqueline Mullen Niederberger, North Cape May.
The stone steps were rough under my feet as I made my way down into the sweetly scented summer garden. The heavy, warm June air circled round, kissing my skin as a friend might in greeting me as a guest. Lights were positioned at strategic spots in the garden ready to shine on the forth-coming majestic event. I took a seat next to a bearded gentleman who nodded hello. The black velvet night was perfumed with a delicate scent, everyone waiting for the once a year, one night only event, the opening of the Night Blooming Cereus. Some know her by the magical name “Selenicerus Grandiflora.” Soon, the bud opening began as our host relayed the story of this strange plant.
They have large, white showy blooms with multiple petals on thin wooden stalks. Inside the blooms there are three yellow stamens. The flower opens when it is dark and then dies at daybreak. They prefer hot climates and wild, they grow in the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts. In a cold climate the plant dies, in a hot climate it flourishes.
The story prevails that if you look into the beauty of the stamens, close your eyes and open them again; you will see not three yellow stamens, but the Holy Family – Joseph, God’s appointed earthly guardian of Jesus, Mary, the chosen, loving mother of Jesus, and the baby Jesus himself. Wonder of wonders! The God of all speaks in the midst of the strange beauty of a fragrant flower if one listens closely.
Our loving Heavenly Father is telling us He is always with us, not just in spring, summer, fall or winter. He will never forsake us or leave us. He is with us as we celebrate His nativity in December as well as in the hot summer months when the cereus blooms. In the midst of wars, famines, and pestilence he is there bringing calm, order and reconciliation. In the midst of disastrous shootings and rages, erupting volcanoes, earthquakes and floods, people of the world flock to bring aid. This is encapsulated in the angels’ Christmas message of peace and goodwill to men everywhere, broadcast so poignantly in the heavens the night Jesus was born.
At dawn, we left the garden silently, full of wonder at God’s grace and blessing, allowing us to witness the miracle of the Holy Family and the Night Blooming Cereus. The message of Jesus was planted deep and blooming full in the garden of our hearts that warm June morning as the glorious white petals closed their eyes, dropped to the ground and died.

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