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Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Empty Chair

By Melissa Grace

Family gathers ‘round the table, 

Food covering every open space. 

The Christmas tree is ready for the moment to come, 

To see the laughter and joy on each face. 


With a bowing of heads all is silent, 

Beginning their meal with a prayer. 

All thoughts turn to the ones who aren’t with them, 

And the setting of the empty chair. 


That chair holds the memory of loved ones, 

Ones they lost over the past year. 

It reminds them that they’re never truly gone, 

And their love for them is still dear. 


Christmases past play in their minds, 

Like a reel from a movie screen. 

Smiles and laughter as presents were given, 

As if from a long forgotten dream. 


The blessing has finished and chatter increases, 

Treasuring this time with family and friends. 

Creating new memories for that empty chair at the table, 

When our time on this Earth comes to an end. 


Grace writes from Green Creek. 

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