What: A free presentation on a Vineland naturalist who discovered new flora and fauna
When: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 2 p.m.
Where: Endicott Reardon Family Museum, 3036 S. Shore Rd. (Rt. 9) Ocean View, N.J.
Our presenter for this program is Deborah Boerner Ein, author of a biography about Mary Treat, the 19th century Vineland naturalist who discovered new flora and fauna, including three species of ants that were named in her honor. Ms. Ein, a Hammonton resident, began her research about the groundbreaking scientist at the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, which hold the Treat estate files, writing the first book-length account of Mary Treat’s life.

Treat worked primarily from her Vineland home and also took advantage of the biodiversity of South Jersey and roamed the historic sites of Batsto and Atsion in the Pine Barrens, conducting research, observations, and experimentations for subsequent publications. She was in touch with fellow scientists and in the 1870s exchanged letters with Charles Darwin, who praised her work. Their correspondence focused mainly on insects but also covered a wide range of species, including plants and especially carnivorous plants such as Bladderwort and the Venus flytrap.
Little known today, Treat’s impressive work record includes the publication of countless scientific articles in a variety of popular and professional journals, such as The American Entomologist, as well as five books The woman who made her way in a male-dominated field used her personal garden and South Jersey as her laboratory to make significant contributions to the fields of entomology and botany. After her enlightening presentation, Deborah Boerner Ein will sign copies of her book Mary Treat: A Biography and her children’s book about Treat’s scientific findings, Mary Had a Little Zoo. Light refreshments will be served.
All Special Events at the Museum are free, but reservations are required. Call the Museum at 609-624-0600 and leave a message with your name, telephone number, and the number in your party, after which you will receive confirmation from the Museum. We look forward to seeing you!
We are Open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 to 2 p.m. Come Visit us during our regular hours as well! For more information visit our website and like us on Facebook!
Funding has been made possible in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission / Department of State, and the Cape May County Board of County Commissioners through the Cape May County Division of Culture & Heritage.