The Delaware River and Bay Authority has released a $178.5 million 2025 capital improvements budget, which includes five major projects in Cape May County.
The five major projects comprise four at the Cape May-Lewes ferry complex and one at Cape May Airport.
One hundred and twenty projects made the list in the 2025 plan, spanning all DRBA properties, the largest of which is the Delaware Memorial Bridge.
Cape May-Lewes Ferry
Plans call for work on the approach roads to the ferry complex, including paving, roadway reconfiguration at the terminal entrance, replacement of signage and other improvements.
The state Department of Transportation will contribute $3.4 million to the work, with the DRBA’s cost at $450,000 in 2025 and $5.6 million in other years.
Another project calls for annual vessel maintenance, including dry docking, purchases of equipment, efficiency upgrades and generator overhauls. DRBA cost estimates are $10.7 million in 2025 and $37.2 million in other years.
A third involves Beach Drive improvements in Cape May. The plans anticipates design and construction improvements, along with replacement of utilities and signage. The estimated DRBA cost is $1.25 million, all in other years.
The last of the four major ferry projects is the construction and support of a new ferry vessel. The DRBA costs for 2025 are $5.5 million, with $76.6 million in other years. The project is also being funded by the U.S. Maritime Administration for $20 million.
Cape May Airport
The airport has seen more than $30 million in investments from DRBA over the decades the authority has managed the facility. Last year the Cape May County commissioners notified the DRBA that its lease would not be renewed for a new 30-year term.
The rupture between the two sides was somewhat abrupt and has not been repaired; the county is looking for another manager for the airport.
DRBA has managed the airport facility since 1998; its lease ends in 2029. DRBA does not charge a management fee to be the airport sponsor.
The airport project for 2025 involves $1.5 million in DRBA funding for construction of a new light industrial building to accommodate new tenants. Whether the possible change in management of the airport will affect this project is unclear.
DRBA capital investments at the airport over its 30-year lease will be subject to reimbursement by the county at the end of the lease.
A full list of the DRBA projects for 2025 can be found here.
Contact the reporter, Vince Conti, at