Thursday, March 6, 2025


Tech Students Receive License and Certification

Pictured left to right:  Keaton Holcomb

By Press Release

CREST HAVEN – Recently, seven Cape Tech seniors in the HVACR/SE (Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Sustainable Energy) program of study received their field recognized national certifications.
The credentials earned include the EPA 608 Universal Refrigerant License, R-410A Safety Certification, Pex Certification, OSHA 10 hour Construction Safety Certification, and multiple factory certifications allowing the student to buy and work on their product.
HVACR/SE is a three year consecutive program that is designed to give students the understanding and hands-on skills needed to enter into the college and career fields of Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Green Energy Applications such as Photovoltaics and Solar Water Heating.
Successful program completers will find these vast fields are growing and will continue to grow to meet global energy needs. The education and employment preparation in the fields of HVACR and Sustainable Energy will prepare students to provide installs, perform service, and create sustainable or green solutions.
Craig Miglaccio is the HVACR/ Sustainable Energy instructor. For additional information on the Cape May County Technical High School or the HVACR/SE program of study, visit

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