CLERMONT –– Dennis Township primary school students June 12 honored a local hero with patriotic songs and readings at a Flag Day celebration in the school gymnasium.
The event’s program read as follows:
“Our show is dedicated to Seargeant Andrew Peter who proudly serves with the 82nd Airborne Division. Five months after being deployed to Iraq, Peter was airlifted home. While on convoy, he contracted a virile infection that spread to his brain. it has been almost eight months, but miraculously, Sgt. Peter has recovered enough to be rejoined with the 82nd Airborne Division. He is a true hero –– one of the many brave men and women who stand for freedom and the flag of the United States of America.”
Following readings from students Austin Bartleson, Olivia Raffaele, Gabby Layton and Gabrielle Zenyuk, the pupils sang the following patriotic songs:
• “She’s a Grand Old Flag”
• “God Bless America”
• “America the Beautiful”
• “Star Spangled Banner”
• “Proud to Be an American”
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