“Shaolin Warriors: Legendary Masters of Kung-Fu” is a unique artistic performance, displaying disciplined spiritualism, stunning movement and deadly martial arts prowess. Experience the grace and the power of these highly trained performers at the Ocean City Music Pier on Oct. 10 at 7 p.m.
Direct from China’s legendary Shaolin Temple, this fully choreographed theatrical production brings remarkable skill, stunning movement, and spectacular imagery of Kung Fu.
The Shaolin monks train in martial arts for several hours every day, perfecting the art of hand-to-hand and weapons combat.
Each monk is required to achieve an extraordinarily high level of proficiency in each of the temple’s 18 traditional weapons and to become a master of one.
For more than one thousand years, the Shaolin Temple has been the heart and soul of Chinese Kung-Fu. The Shaolin Monks were men of action ready to defend and men of peace ready to console.
Tickets are $40 and may be ordered online at www.ocnj.us or by calling 609- 525-9300 or by going to the Ocean City Music Pier.
For Group Sales, call 609- 525-9295.
Cape May County – Did i miss something? I am watching the defense secretary hearings and I keep hearing Republicans and nominee Hesgeth commenting on how tough Trump will make our military. So, are they saying it isn…