Members of the Cape May County 4-H Livestock Program will sponsor an all day “Scrapbooking – Card Making Crop” on October 17, from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lockwood 4-H Youth Center.
The fee of $35 includes a light breakfast, complete lunch and dinner, desserts and beverages. In addition, participants will receive four feet of scrapping space, access to a tool table and a chance at fabulous door prizes. Scapbooking vendors, “Make and Takes” and a yard sale table for unwanted scrapbooking treasures will also be available.
All proceeds from the crop will benefit the Cape May County 4-H Livestock Program. For more information, call Michelle Jordan at 609-602-6631 or Kathy Riggins at 609-381-2517. The Lockwood 4-H Youth Center is located on the 4-H fairgrounds at 355 Court House-S. Dennis Rd., in Cape May Court House.
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