DENNISVILLE — The Dennis Township Secret Santa Program is sponsoring its annual “Secret Santa Holiday” program. This benefits Dennis Township, and Woodbine residents and their families by providing much-needed assistance during the holiday season, according to a release.
The program provides clothes, toys and food baskets for families in need. The program is seeking sponsors and donations so that it can help many families.
Businesses and individuals are encouraged to sponsor families in need.
Families in the Dennis Township and Woodbine area that are in need of assistance, are asked to contact chairperson Dotti Hupperich at 609-741-1464
Collection boxes for toys and consumer products are located in area businesses and post offices.
Persons interested in providing a donation or sponsorship, should make checks payable to DT Secret Santa, PO Box 327, Dennisville, NJ 08214-0327.
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