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Monday, September 2, 2024


Cheryl Grier Honored as Middle’s Employee of the Month

Cheryl Grier

By Press Release

COURT HOUSE –At its 6 p.m. meeting on Wednesday, the Middle Township Committee will honor Cheryl Grier as the January 2016 Employee of the Month. Grier serves as aide in the Recreation Department.
“Cheryl always goes above and beyond to help things run smoothly at the Rec Department,” said Recreation Supervisor Robert Matthews. “She tirelessly makes sure that the recreation areas are safe and welcoming for visitors, and she does it all with a smile.”
Grier began her career at Middle Township as a volunteer at the Martin Luther King Community Center in 2011. Now a Recreation Aide, Grier states that her favorite aspects of her job are her co-workers and serving the public. According to her co-workers, Grier is never one to procrastinate, ensuring that safety inspections are completed regularly and that any concerns are addressed immediately. A resident of Middle Township, Grier has a daughter, Christina. She enjoys spending time with family and friends in her spare time.
“Cheryl is very dedicated and diligent in her work. She always makes sure that our recreation facilities are in tip-top shape to best serve our residents. She is truly an asset to the Township,” said Mayor Michael Clark.
The Middle Township Employee of the Month program was initiated by the Township Committee to honor employees who exemplify the Township’s commitment to better delivery of services and going the extra mile for residents. The program culminates with the Darius Graham Employee of the Year honor that is named after one of the Township’s most beloved employees in its history.
Nominations for the Employee of the Month Program are available inside Middle Township hall at three locations: Human Resources and Training Department, Administration Department, and on the bulletin board. Residents from the Township who have had a very positive interaction with any Middle Township employee may pick up the one-page nomination form and fill it out in the employee’s behalf. Each month a Township employee will be selected; the winning nominee will receive a certificate at a future Township Committee meeting along with a photograph posted on the bulletin board. 

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