SWAINTON — Long time Cape May County resident Larry Goldberg has captured the shore market with his innovative approach to immortalizing life’s magnificent memories introducing Homestands®, photo sculptures for a lifetime of enjoyment.
“It’s not only another way to display photographs, it’s a really attractive and convenient way,” says Goldberg, 73. “It’s simple. We remove everything in the photo except for the image you want to see. Really, what you end up with is a photo sculpture. I’ll tell you, when you look at our Homestands®, they look three dimensional.”
“We’re talking about the prom photo without the boring background. Or, immortalizing junior swinging for the fences in Little League, without the blurred backdrop,” he continued. “A Homestand® takes your favorite summer vacation snapshots or say, pictures of beloved Jersey shore landmarks, and digitally emblazons the photo onto its durable Sintra® backing, cuts out the main image, and mounts the result on a glossy, black acrylic stand — for a classy look.”
This summer, Homestands® of shore landmarks like the Stone Harbor Water Tower, Stone Harbor and Avalon lifeboats and lifeguard stands, Hereford Inlet and Delaware Bay Lighthouses, and Cape May Victorian Homes, to name a few, proved to be a big hit at area gift shops like Island Arts in Stone Harbor and Inside Advantage in Avalon — among others in the county.
The shore Homestands®, ranging from six inches to two feet, are also available in other customized sizes.
“Instead of those three dimensional replicas you see that aren’t always accurately detailed, we found folks really like our mini replicas,” says Goldberg, who formed Homestands® with three other veteran entrepreneurs – including Cape May County attorney and CPA, Michael J. Bohrer, and well regarded Philadelphia artist, Myron Wasserman, a year ago this past June.
Goldberg has been the inspiration behind several successful ventures — The Holex Corporation, which educated the
marketplace about holograms in the 1980’s and Mr. Rainbows — a mail order company that sold inexpensive educational novelties to children in the 1990’s. For the past decade, Goldberg has owned the internet-based business www. ideas2sell.com which helps others bring brilliant ideas into fruition.
As for Homestands®, Goldberg sees great potential. Another appeal of his products is that they not only are attention getters, but also fit just about anywhere in your home or office. “They are convenient in the sense that they don’t take up as much space as a framed picture or a three-dimensional model,” says Goldberg. “They fit nicely on bookshelves, mantels and desks — and they look great!”
The way Goldberg and his Homestands® team of entrepreneurs see things, it all comes down to a basic question: “To frame or not to frame,” says Goldberg, borrowing from Shakespeare. This past summer, Homestands® got their answer. Many of the shore locals and tourists alike, chose “not to frame” and took a Homestand® home. Good news for Goldberg and his pals.
The company is developing “partnerships” with several local businesses, including professional photographers, veterinarians, and realtor’s offices…to get the word out that Homestands® are applicable to any subject matter.
“They’re great to capture those cute memorable pictures of your pets or of your new home — or old home for that matter – They make great settlement gifts in the real estate market,” added Goldberg, who has placed Homestand® displays with realtors in the three shore counties — Cape May, Atlantic and Cumberland.
To put it simply, Goldberg and the Homestands® team expect big things for the company. “We’ve established the fact that there’s a market here along the coast,” says Goldberg, who can be reached at www.larry. goldberg@homestands.com. “We’re ready to expand and we’re excited about the many possibilities that Homestands® offer.” Visit Homestands® at www.homestands.com.
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