MAYS LANDING – As part of National Safety Month and the energy company’s ongoing efforts to promote safety around electric equipment, Atlantic City Electric reminds customers and local contractors to be aware of their surroundings when planning projects near electric equipment.
Contacting an overhead or underground electric line or other underground utility lines can cause serious injury, damage and service interruptions. It is essential for anyone who is working near this equipment to take the necessary preparations before beginning their work.
Follow these tips:
- Before digging for any project, call 811 at least three business days prior to be connected to New Jersey One Call and arrange for any underground equipment to be marked.
- Keep ladders and other tools at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines.
- Do not climb or trim trees near power lines.
- Keep electric tools and appliances away from wet surfaces, including pools and patios.
- Never approach a downed power line. Always assume a power line is energized and extremely dangerous.
- If you encounter a downed power line, immediately report it to Atlantic City Electric at 1-800-833-7476.
Atlantic City Electric crews work year-round to ensure safe and reliable service for customers. Much of this work is completed in area roadways, where lane restrictions provide a temporary work zone for employees. To help ensure the safety of motorists and Atlantic City Electric employees and contractors, it’s important to reduce speeds and keep safety at the top of your mind when driving through active work zones.
Atlantic City Electric is a member of the Common Ground Alliance which works to share best practices to promote safe excavation and lower instances of damage to underground lines. For information on digging safely, including how to get lines marked and what to do after lines are marked, visit or call 1-800-642-3780.
To learn more, visit