Thursday, March 6, 2025


Gaiss’ Market Wins International Competition


By Press Release

VILLAS – Gaiss’ Market, has been a longtime staple in the community and owner John and Kathy Louderback are well-known for their community involvement. Early this year, the results of an international competition put the local market on a world stage. 
Gaiss’ Market located at W. Bates and Bayshore Road in Villas, entered sausages in international competition in Madison, Wis., and won a gold medal for its kielbasa, and a silver medal for hot dogs, from German judges representing the IFFA, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
“We all knew you were good,” remarked First-Ward Councilman Tom Conrad as Lower Township Council issued a proclamation March 7 honoring the Louderbacks. “But this award shows just how good you really are.”
Gaiss’ kielbasa earned 50 points out of 50 for the gold medal standard, and the hot dogs earned 47 points for a silver medal. According to the judging criteria 45-49 points is a silver and 40-44 points  is bronze.
Regionally Gaiss’ has won prizes for bacon, which won a “Best of Pork” award, meaning it beat out all other pork products, including all other bacon, ham, or sausage. Their ham came in fourth place in a national competition and their Italian sausage was a regional grand champion.
But this was the first time their products were judged on an international stage.
Mayor Michael Beck joked that celebrities would be lining up at the market to get a taste of the world-renowned kielbasa and hot dogs. 
“I hope you push those guys out of the way and wait on your neighbors first,” Beck said with a laugh.
The Louderbacks and sausage maker Ed Dworchak will travel to Frankfurt, Germany in May to receive their awards.

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