VILLAS – Enjoy Sunday Night at the Movies Jan. 17 at The Branches, next to St. Mary’s Thrift Shop, behind Family Dollar on Rt. 47 at N. 2nd St. & E. Vermont Ave, Rio Grande at 7 p.m. to see “Billy Elliott.”
When 11-year-old Billy Elliott trades boxing school for ballet lessons, his father is less than pleased but when the boy wins an audition for the Royal Ballet School, he experiences a change of heart. Rated R.
There is no charge for the movie and the evening is open to everyone. Movie goers can bring snacks and non-alcoholic beverages and enjoy a discussion after the movie.
The Branches is an outreach ministry of Episcopal Partners in Ministry in Cape MayCounty: St. Barnabas by the Bay Episcopal Church, Villas and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Stone Harbor. Information: 609-385-7231.
Cape May – To the Cape May Spouter complaining that the Spouts are no longer "just Good Old Local Gossip, that's fun to read", let me remind them that Pope Francis said "Gossip is an evil…