Welcome to our 2016 4-H Fair season. This is my second year as President of the Cape May County 4-H Foundation. Our Foundation Board of Directors has been great as a working team during my first year. We are hard at work completing some improvements to be ready for our 4-H Fair Week, including a new fenced walkway to the Coover Livestock Pavilion so that Fair visitors do not have to walk in the road. We are grateful to our county freeholders, who have generously provided material and labor to make the Fairgrounds look even better than ever.
Our 4-H clubs have once again stepped up to make their club flower beds even better than last year. The competition is “on” to have the best “Judged Garden.” We have also asked our clubs to adopt an area of the Fairgrounds to clean before the Fair, and the clubs have been very cooperative with this new endeavor. I would like to thank our Building and Grounds Chairpersons, Herb Siefken and Shawn Wright. Herb has retired and moved to Virginia, but Shawn stepped up and has taken over the responsibilities. He has a great working group that is very dependable.
My hat goes off to our 4-H Foundation Board, with many young and energetic new directors and committee members. Our directors include Vice President Cliff Lockwood, Secretary Ken Morey, Treasurer Carol Sawyer, Vendor Chair Pam Gaskill, Elvina Johnson, Jessica Pikolycky, Publicity Chair Carol Porch, Entertainment Chair Chris Ohrenich, Fair Secretary Maria Schumann, Herb Siefken, Matt Stiles, Ross Unkle and Shawn Wright. Committee members are Duke Hamann, Glenn Hanek and Don Horvath. Our future is secure because 4-H is in their blood and they never want to stop being a part of it. I give the credit for this to our 4-H volunteers and a great 4-H program. We have an exceptional group of 4-H club leaders with new volunteers training to continue the tradition of 4-H in Cape May County.
Once again, our 4-H Fair times are noon to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and an opening time on Saturday of 10 a.m. Come out and enjoy the excitement of our 4-Hers, enjoy great entertainment and see that 4-H is for everyone, including robots, reptiles, fishing, archery, agriculture, cooking, sewing, livestock and horses. Visit the PPAWS Booth and learn about the love and training that goes into a new Seeing Eye puppy just to be given up in such a short time to a person in need of a guide dog. Please support our vendors that our Vendor Chairperson, Pam Gaskill, has personally invited to share their wares with you.
Fair is a real team effort, and our team is the BEST at “Making The Best Better!”
Ron Day
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