I enjoy the game of solitaire, but rather than using a deck of cards I play solitaire on my computer. While attempting a redo, which resets the game to try once again to win the same deal, I considered how wonderful it would be if I could do this in life. You know what I mean, when I took a wrong turn and went off the track God wanted me on, and then realized I was heading down the slippery slope, I would just back up to that space in time of my error and retake that step in the correct direction.
Unfortunately life does not work like that. Errors I made in my youth and even now are still errors and sins. I might apologize to someone and try to make up for my misstep, but I can’t undo any actions or words spoken. What a shame, isn’t it, that we can’t just wipe the slate clean and start out anew?
Because I am human I don’t always forget things people have said or done that have hurt even if I have forgiven them. If the memory of the hurt causes pain I take that to God in prayer, so that my focus is no longer on the hurt but now is on seeking healing and opening my heart to forever forgiveness, where even the memory will not cause pain.
I find the most wonderful thing about being a Christian is that when I ask God to forgive my sins those sins are taken “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” King David shared this exciting truth in his 103rd Psalm.
Often I remember with remorse the worst things I have done. Others are just as likely to remember my sins as well, but after I seek forgiveness my Father God sends the memory of those sins into no man’s land – as far as the east is from the west. What a wonderful blessing from an awesome God. My Father God is willing to forgive and forget my sin. This is an especially great blessing because in real life I cannot get a redo and start over fresh.
Of course, there are still human consequences of the pain and hurt to others from the things I have done wrong, but with my Father, once I have sought His forgiveness, He sees me as if I am as pure as Jesus because Jesus has paid the debt that I owe for my sins. Jesus’ blood shed from His death saves me from God’s wrath that I deserve, and His resurrection to life assures me that this is true. I live in sweet peace because my Savior is alive.
We had an associate pastor a few years back, a retired minister who had much wisdom. Pastor McKay explained it to us this way: He placed a black pen inside the pages of His Bible and shut the Bible. He explained that the black pen represented our sins. Once we seek forgiveness of those sins the closed Bible then represents Jesus. The Father looking at Jesus (represented by the Bible) sees only the purity of Jesus and not our sins, because they are taken and covered by Jesus’ gift of His life for our forgiveness. I thought this was an excellent illustration of Jesus, in His obedience, willingly becoming our substitute and intermediary with God.
I always need to seek forgiveness from those whom I have hurt, but occasionally I find one who does not forgive the way our God does. Some like to keep old wounds open and fresh and pick at them. Personally, I have found it is so much better for me if I forgive others quickly because then the hurt is set free to heal and I can move on with life in a better frame of mind.
There is no redo in life, but I have the opportunity to start my life anew every moment of every day. If I know I have sinned or hurt someone I apologize immediately, and I also apologize to my Father God and ask His forgiveness by repenting.
I am working for my Father here on Earth and I must remember that His name is pure and that He should receive nothing but glory from my actions. My goal is to stay on the straight and narrow path seeking always the Words of my Father, growing in Him and doing His will. I have made many mistakes and have sinned much, but by God’s grace I have learned to love as He does, and now I know I will live eternally with Him.
God’s way is so much better than a redo.
Editor’s note: Amy Patsch writes from Ocean City. Email her at writerGoodGod@gmail.com.