To the Editor:
Several Obama utterances reveal his curious view of things and raise questions about his veracity. Remarks like “… you didn’t build that,” directed at entrepreneurs who create our nations small (and large) businesses. Or, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor,” as he merchandised his healthcare scheme. But the whopper that takes the cake is his recent remark regarding the nation’s most financially successful people, suggesting they got lucky and won society’s lottery. If that were true (which it isn’t) then most bought that “lottery” ticket with sweat, skill, risk-taking and for many, years of 20-hours days as they built their enterprises or grew existing ones through intelligent stewardship.
Of all Obama’s proclamations this “society’s lottery” remark is the most insulting to the builders of our nation and our free enterprise system. Such remarks are wrongheaded and serve only as attempts to elevate government as the source of our wellbeing and the political-power potential it represents.
Beyond wrongheaded it is shameless political deception.
Town Bank – The hat? Dowdy Plain Jane Washington doesn’t understand a beautiful former model wearing European high fashion? Who knew?