Thursday, March 6, 2025


Is It Really A Good Idea?

By Pastor Rudy

Sometimes even our best ideas may turn out to be disaster unless we dedicate our dreams to God. The Scriptures clearly tell us to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and lean not to our own understanding. Simply stated, what might make sense on paper clearly will not translate into real life success unless we have prayed it through. When was the last time you began your day with a prayer like this one? “Dear God- Your will be done in me today; nothing more, nothing less and nothing else.”
I want to share a humorous tale told by Chuck Swindoll to illustrate the danger of our shortsighted dreaming. Two guys named Al and Joe are bungee-jumping one day at an amusement park in southern California. Al says to Joe quite excitedly, “You know, we could make a lot of money running our own bungee-jumping business right across the border in Mexico.”
Joe responds with enthusiasm and affirms that this is a really great idea. So off they go pooling their money to obtain the necessary means to launch their new can’t-miss enterprise. They purchase the supplies to construct a tower, buy an elastic cord, receive the proper insurance, grab the needs to advertise and head south of the border. They travel and begin to set up shop in the square of a small beach town where they believe lady luck is only a few days away.
As these two entrepreneurs begin their project of putting up their tower, a small curious crowd begins to assemble down below them. Slowly but surely, more and more people gather to watch them at work. This clear fascination with their work breathes an abundance of energy into Al and Joe and they finish their masterpiece in record time. Seeing the open door to seize the moment, Al says to Joe, “Let’s put on a demonstration while there are still many people down below.” Joe shakes his head in committed agreement and proceeds to buckle himself into the harness so he may make the initial jump!
Joe leaps off the tower and down he goes. He bounces at the end of the cord, but when he comes back up; Al isn’t able to gather him in and notices that Joe has a few cuts and scratches. So Joe falls again, bounces and comes straight back up. This time, Joe is bruised and bleeding. For a second time Al misses his opportunity to reel him in. Joe proceeds to fall a third time and bounces back up. This time, Joe obviously is in much pain with possible broken bones and showing signs of a severe concussion. Finally Al catches him this time and asks, “What happened? Was the cord too long?” Dazed and confused Joe replies, “No, the cord was fine, but what the heck is a piñata?”
I love that story because it proves we need more than just a good idea to make things happen. Just because it feels right doesn’t guarantee that it is the best option to proceed with! Following your head may be dangerous if you haven’t fully given God control of your heart. I just know that too many times people run at a pace of a 1,000 miles per hour trying to force their agenda as the Lord’s will and it ends up exploding in their face every time. Even good things does not mean that they are God things and the only way you know the difference is when you make the time to consult with your Heavenly Father! Instead of being afraid that he might say, “No,” why not make doubly sure that he has clearly said, “Yes?”
This is Father’s Day weekend and I believe the greatest gift you can give to the God who loves you is your undivided attention and a blank piece of paper where he might write upon your life the very hope and future that he has prepared you for!
If you have a pulse, you have a purpose and why waste so much time getting hammered by your own bungee adventures when you know that you may leap into his arms anytime, anywhere over anything! If God be for you, there is nothing that can stand against you so what are you waiting for? Hurry up and be still and slow down and hang out with the King of dreams coming true!

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