July 25, 2021
STONE HARBOR – Borough Council July 20 successfully introduced an ordinance that would create a residential D zoning district for the specific properties having street frontage on Bower Court, Stone...
STONE HARBOR – Borough Council July 20 successfully introduced an ordinance that would create a residential D zoning district for the specific properties having street frontage on Bower Court, Stone...
STONE HARBOR – The area known as the Courts is comprised of small bungalows on narrow lanes reminiscent of an earlier day in the borough. Residents of the bungalows have...
COURT HOUSE – Middle Township Committee devoted its May 17 work session to a discussion of items and recommendations from the 2020 Master Plan Reexamination Report approved by the Planning...
COURT HOUSE – Middle Township Committee April 5 introduced an ordinance authorizing nine municipal zoning changes recommended in the master plan reexamination report approved by the Planning Board, in November...
COURT HOUSE – At the Feb. 1 Middle Township Committee meeting, Mayor Timothy Donohue said the governing body’s work session, scheduled for 5 p.m. Feb. 17, would be devoted to...
COURT HOUSE – The Middle Township Planning Board hoped to have a public hearing on the master plan reexamination in April, but the pandemic scuttled those plans. After waiting several...
OCEAN CITY – Ocean City Council unanimously approved new rules on permeable surfaces that will allow block pavers used for driveways to be counted as water permeable. The city’s limitations...