December 19, 2018
For widow Witbee the Christmas season begins on Dec. 1. That morning she awakens while yet dark and with key in hand climbs the creaking steps to her home’s attic....
For widow Witbee the Christmas season begins on Dec. 1. That morning she awakens while yet dark and with key in hand climbs the creaking steps to her home’s attic....
When I was growing up, we didn’t have much. Many nights supper consisted of Betty Crocker soup, and I remember my Mom and Dad didn’t eat much. However, I was...
Kathleen Mahoney’s grandson Daniel Klenicki joins them in Toys for Tots at Dogtooth Bar and Grill in memory of their son Matt who always loved the spirit of giving at...
Patten leather shoes, matching purse, crinoline, lace, anklets and curls. Mom, beautiful vision from hat to heels – Dad dapper in suit and tie, black hair slicked – Brothers, little...
The Wildwood Crest home of Mat and Kimberly Toenniessen at 8706 Seaview Avenue. They decorated the house Nov. 24, 2018.
...The home of Star Leventhal and Chris Petrenko, 22 Glenwood Ave. in Villas, brightens the December darkness with plenty of colorful lights.
...Once upon a Christmas dinner, there were six to eight people gathered around a beautiful table with china, crystal, select wines, and an expensive roast. Some of the people didn’t...