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Thursday, September 19, 2024


the good god life

December 13, 2023

When I sit in church and look around at my fellow members I smile with memories and a recognition of kinship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is...

December 6, 2023

Christmas is coming and many of us are looking for special gifts to give to those in our family or circle of loved ones. This tradition of gift-giving at Christmas...

November 29, 2023

My younger sister and her friend came for a visit recently. My cousin from Delaware who is my sister’s age wanted to get together with her while she was here,...

November 22, 2023

This is Thanksgiving week and so I, along with probably many of you, searched my heart to recount the things for which I am thankful. The very first of those...

November 15, 2023

Two subjects we are told to never discuss while with friends, relatives and strangers are faith and politics. With some friends politics is their religion and with me my faith...

November 8, 2023

There is a wonderful hymn written by Clara H. Scott that entreats, “Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth Thou hast for me.” Subsequent verses seek for...

October 25, 2023

It has been a frustrating four weeks for me since mailing my hearing aids off to the VA to have the rechargeable batteries replaced. I need hearing aids because I...

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