May 4, 2021
WILDWOOD CREST – Commissioners April 28 moved to eliminate smoking sections from Wildwood Crest beaches and composed conditions on recreational marijuana use. An ordinance, introduced after a 2-1 vote, eliminates...
WILDWOOD CREST – Commissioners April 28 moved to eliminate smoking sections from Wildwood Crest beaches and composed conditions on recreational marijuana use. An ordinance, introduced after a 2-1 vote, eliminates...
DENNISVILLE – Chief Financial Officer Jessica Bishop explained the numbers behind this year’s budget for the municipality ( “Operating expenses total $3.6 million, an 11% decrease from 2020,” said Bishop....
SIC Passes Bond Ordinance
SEA ISLE CITY – City Council passed a bond ordinance, on second reading, with no public comment, authorizing the use of capital surplus for various items at the April 14...