March 22, 2024
STONE HARBOR – The Borough Council has created a new zoning district for Linden Lane, an action that will allow modest homes to add a second story as long as...
STONE HARBOR – The Borough Council has created a new zoning district for Linden Lane, an action that will allow modest homes to add a second story as long as...
STONE HARBOR – At its Tuesday, Feb. 6, meeting, Stone Harbor Council introduced an ordinance change to its zoning that would create a special residential D district for homes on...
STONE HARBOR – Borough Council July 20 successfully introduced an ordinance that would create a residential D zoning district for the specific properties having street frontage on Bower Court, Stone...
Courts Rezoning Ordinance Returning to Council
STONE HARBOR – During Stone Harbor Borough Council’s Oct. 5 meeting, a consensus emerged that the ordinance dealing with the rezoning of the Courts and Linden Lane would also bring...