Saturday, February 8, 2025



January 18, 2023

I follow some Christian news websites, as well as a few online ministries, and have noticed two things are being promoted highly to help us grow as Christians this year...

January 11, 2023

To the Editor: After almost 50 years in our home, we decided to move. Months were spent looking for the ideal place. My wife started an extensive search, and she...

December 29, 2022

This past month have attended two church Christmas plays, enjoyed a lovely Christmas cantata, partaken of two Ladies’ Advent luncheons and, of course, went to church on Christmas morning. What...

December 7, 2022

The elections are over, and we may or may not have voted for those that were elected. But now the hard part begins. Our job as Christians is to pray...

November 28, 2022

Did you sit with friends and family during Thanksgiving and discuss being thankful? Some families make it a tradition that everyone is to bring to the table one thing they...

November 9, 2022

I particularly enjoy this time of year at the shore. There are so many activities to keep us entertained. Looking out my window I watched the fireworks following the Fall...

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