December 4, 2023
RIO GRANDE – The Grocery Outlet Bargain Market, the newest grocery store in Rio Grande, has set its official opening for Thursday, Dec. 7. Located at 3174 Route 9 South...
RIO GRANDE – The Grocery Outlet Bargain Market, the newest grocery store in Rio Grande, has set its official opening for Thursday, Dec. 7. Located at 3174 Route 9 South...
ERMA – The Seashore Community Church of the Nazarene has brought back a decade-long tradition of providing Thanksgiving meals to people in the community through its Feed A Family program....
NORTH CAPE MAY – The Delaware River and Bay Authority is looking for a new vendor to operate the former Exit Zero Ferry Park and associated facilities. Exit Zero Hospitality...
TRENTON – Children and adults enrolled in day care facilities may be eligible for free meals through the Child and Adult Care Food Program, according to New Jersey Assistant Secretary...
Get ‘The Wrap,’ our take on the news of the week, in your inbox every Tuesday. Sign up at July 10–16 Auto Theft Just months ago, Gov. Phil...
Summertime is here and the fishing is good. All the usual summer species are here, and they seem to be in a feeding mood. Thankfully, there are no cases of...
Well, that was an interesting week. The first half was basically unfishable due to excessive winds and then the second half was full of reports of nice flounder catches at...