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Saturday, September 21, 2024



December 19, 2018

One Christmas I decided to get my husband “Bill” a “special” Christmas present. (Like, don’t we always go for these kinds of presents anyway?) It all began earlier on a...

December 19, 2018

For my brother’s 50th birthday, my mother and I decided to give him a weekend away with his wife. We volunteered to watch his 10-year old son. They arrived in...

December 19, 2018

Christmas is: Time for children, Time for adults, Don’t leave out those seniors, too. They’re smart, they’re funny, I can tell you things you never knew. They’re up on food,...

December 19, 2018

When I was growing up, we didn’t have much. Many nights supper consisted of Betty Crocker soup, and I remember my Mom and Dad didn’t eat much. However, I was...

December 19, 2018

Kathleen Mahoney’s grandson Daniel Klenicki joins them in Toys for Tots at Dogtooth Bar and Grill in memory of their son Matt who always loved the spirit of giving at...

December 19, 2018

Patten leather shoes, matching purse, crinoline, lace, anklets and curls. Mom, beautiful vision from hat to heels – Dad dapper in suit and tie, black hair slicked – Brothers, little...

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