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Friday, September 20, 2024



December 23, 2020

In March of 2020 The virus hit us plenty We all run to our homes for safety So, the land was free from chromosomes They flew through the air that...

December 23, 2020

I asked my daughter, Johanna, to tell me her favorite part of Christmas. She said her favorite part is decorating with her mommy and daddy. Her very favorite part is...

December 23, 2020

And here we are On the cusp of a Christmas Trying to be What it cannot, Trying to escape The shadows of memory We know Can never be launched For...

December 23, 2020

Every year, we look forward to it. Every year, it stresses me out. Christmas. Automatically, the name of one of the most beloved holidays of the year elicits visions of...

December 23, 2020

It was Christmas Eve. I was 12 and my sister, Maggie, was two years younger. We were more than ready for the door to the living room to be opened....

December 23, 2020

Years ago, I was a radio missionary on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, in a region known as Micronesia. The broadcast studio is marvelously decorated...

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