COURT HOUSE – The Cape May County 4-H Youth Development Program in a release saluted all of its volunteers.
Annually, thousands of volunteers in New Jersey donate their time and energy to make their communities a better place to live. These volunteers were among the millions across the country who were spotlighted in April – National Volunteer Month.
The 4-H Youth Development Program in the state and county relies heavily on volunteers. 4-H volunteers contribute an estimated 150-200 hours each annually to the New Jersey 4-H Youth Development Program.
Of the more than 2,000 adult volunteers involved in the New Jersey 4-H Program, over 180 adult volunteers contribute to the Cape May County 4-H Youth Development Program.
They serve various roles including leading 4-H clubs, judging 4-H events, serving on advisory groups, helping the 4-H Foundation keep the fairgrounds beautiful and volunteering during the 4-H fair.
Although their roles may vary, they all have the same mission of serving as caring adult role models for the youth in the 4-H program. Linda Horner, Cape May County 4-H program coordinator, stated, “Volunteers are the life blood of the 4-H program – there would be no 4-H without them, and we value their dedication and service tremendously.”
The work of 4-H volunteers is continuous. Every day a volunteer is lending a helping hand to provide learning opportunities for the 4-H members involved in Cape May County. Volunteers are always needed and welcome.
Those seeking information on how they can become involved in the Cape May County Youth Development 4-H Program, should call the 4-H Office at 609-465-5115, ext. 3605.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…