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Sunday, March 2, 2025


We’re Listening: Reader Polls Are Here!

We’re Listening: Reader Polls Are Here!

The Cape May County Herald is excited to announce the launch of reader polls, a new feature designed to give you a direct voice on the stories we cover. Starting today, select news articles will include interactive polls, giving you the chance to share your opinions on the issues that matter most.

Reader polls are quick and easy. You’ll find them at the end – or sometimes within – articles, asking questions related to the story you’ve just read or other local, regional and national topics. Whether it’s a local development, a community issue, or a broader topic, your input will help shape the conversation and provide a clearer picture of public opinion.

Why Reader Polls?

Our goal has always been to keep you informed and connected. Reader polls are a way to take that connection to the next level by involving you more directly in the stories we tell. Your participation not only lets your voice be heard but also helps guide our reporting to better reflect the interests and concerns of the community. Your responses are anonymous, but aggregated results may be shared in follow-up stories to highlight overall community sentiment.

How It Works

Polls will cover a variety of topics – everything from local government decisions and cultural events to timely debates on education, and more. For instance, an article about a new parking ordinance might include a poll asking: “Do you support stricter time limits for parking?” (Yes or No). Following the first question will always be two or three follow-up questions either of a demographic nature or a consumer nature from our vendor, CivicScience. For instance, “Which of the following credit cards do you have in your wallet? (Amex, Chase Platinum Rewards). Answering those extra questions allows the Herald to offer these new capabilities and keep technology costs down.

Get Involved!

You’ll see our first reader polls starting today, so keep an eye out for the poll box. We encourage you to take a moment to participate. Your voice matters, and we’re excited to hear what you have to say. Together, let’s shape the conversation around the news that impacts us all!

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