JUNE 20, 2017
9:30 AM
Members Present: Present were Mayor Patrick Rosenello, President of Council Salvatore Zampirri, Councilpersons Kellyann Tolomeo, James Kane, David Del Conte and Margaret Bishop. Councilmen Edwin Koehler and Joseph Rullo were not present. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Yecco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
SOLICITOR KAUFMANN recused himself from the imminent executive session and left Council Chambers.
# 162-17
RE: Private Meeting – Litigation
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. 9:31 AM
On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Bishop, that Council now return to open session. Carried. 9:45 AM
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Del Conte, that caucus be adjourned. Carried. 9:45 AM
SOLICITOR KAUFMANN reentered Council Chambers at 9:46 AM.
JUNE 20, 2017
10:00 A.M.
A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held in the morning of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the revised notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 4, 2017.”
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Present were Mayor Patrick Rosenello, President of Council Salvatore Zampirri, Councilpersons Kellyann Tolomeo, James Kane, David Del Conte and Margaret Bishop. Councilmen Edwin Koehler and Joseph Rullo were not present. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Yecco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
MAYOR ROSENELLO stated that the under the direction of Chief Matthew Gallagher, the North Wildwood Police Department has completed the accreditation process as prescribed by the State Association of Chiefs of Police. Mr. Harry Delgado, representing the Association, was introduced by the Mayor.
HARRY DELGADO, Accreditation Program Manager of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, gave the following explanation of the accreditation process and the significance of achieving the status of accredited police department:
The North Wildwood Policed Department achieved Accredited Status after a final on-site review on November 14-15, 2016.
Accreditation status represents a significant professional achievement.
•Of 470 Police Departments in the State of New Jersey, only 182 are Accredited; only 34% get reaccredited; 8% get a 2nd reaccreditation; 0.019% get a 3rd reaccreditation.
JUNE 20, 2017
• Accreditation is a process! The foundation of Accreditation lies in the adoption of standards containing a clear statement of professional objectives.
• Accreditation is a progressive and time-proven way of helping law enforcement agencies calculate and improve their overall performances.
• It is the certification by an independent reviewing authority, the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, which the accredited agency carefully measured against an established set of state and national standards and has met or exceeded accepted practices in the field of law enforcement.
• Research shows that accredited agencies have 11% fewer police professional liability claims, 18% fewer worker compensation claims and 31% fewer auto liability claims. Moreover, municipalities that participate in a MEL affiliated Joint Insurance Fund (JIFF) stand to receive substantial insurance premium discounts when their police department attains accreditation.
In addition to these fiscal advantages, there are other important benefits of accreditation:
• Accreditation provides objective evidence of an agency’s commitment to excellence in leadership, resource management, and service delivery.
• Government officials can be more confident in the agency’s ability to operate efficiently and meet community needs.
• Accreditation embodies the precepts of community oriented policing. It creates a forum in which police and citizens work together to prevent and control challenges confronting law enforcement and provides clear direction about community expectations.
• Accreditation standards give the Chief a proven management system of written directives, sound training, clearly defined lines of authority, and routine reports that support decision making and resource allocation.
• Officers in accredited agencies are able to take pride that they have been objectively recognized for their professionalism and adherence to the highest standards.
Exemplary performance issues: The North Wildwood Police Department works every day to be an asset to their community and strives to live up to their professional responsibilities.
The North Wildwood Police Department is tasked with policing a resort community that has year-round residential population that experiences a substantial seasonal influx in the summer and early-fall months. The agency
JUNE 20, 2017
follows a community policing model that provides superior police services to all who live in and visit the City. It was evident that the residents and business owners embrace the agency actions and efforts. Numerous contacts were made with the assessment team during the on-site from both entities in support of the agency and the accreditation effort. This was also visibly witnessed through the countless “We Support Our Police” signs that were observed posted on residential lawns and business fronts throughout the City.
The assessment team received numerous phone calls during the call-in session from residents, business owners, and surrounding law enforcement agency executives. All of the phone calls that were received were very supportive of the agency. The common characteristics that the residents and business owners used to describe the agency included a high level of professionalism, ahead of the curve in policing techniques, focus on community policing, and quick to address any issues and concerns. The surrounding law enforcement agency executives detailed the agency’s ability to build strong working relationships with the other agencies within the county and continually demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to the community.
The North Wildwood Police Department passed the on-site inspection with a perfect score! There were no issues, findings or recommendations made by the assessment team.
It is the opinion of the assessment team that the North Wildwood Police Department is a highly professional and committed agency which exemplifies all of the tenets of Law Enforcement Accreditation at the state and national level.
Therefore, The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police and the New Jersey Law Enforcement Commission, congratulates Chief Matthew Gallagher, Accreditation Manager Captain Kevin Tolan, the members of the North Wildwood Police Department, the Mayor and Council and those citizens they so proudly serve, for achieving state accreditation, joining a very exclusive group of law enforcement agencies that have made this important commitment to excellence in policing. Congratulations!
MR. DELGADO presented Mayor Rosenello and Chief Gallagher with the framed Certification of Accreditation and pictures were taken.
MINUTES: On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Tolomeo, that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 7, 2017 be approved as read. Carried.
RE: Report of 2016 Municipal Audit
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
RE: Notice of Primary Election Results, June 6
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
RE: Notice of Reallocation of 2016 User Charges/Regional Wastewater Services
JUNE 20, 2017
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
RE: Notice of Public Hearing, June 28
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
RE: Notice of Suspension of Proposed Rate Increases Until October 28 Pending Further Review by NJBPU
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
RE: NJDEP Waterfront Application, 203 Delaware Avenue
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
RE: Renewal of ABC License #0507-33-008-006 Van Gelas, Inc. (Conflict License)
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
RE: Italian-American Festival, June 23-25
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Alexander’s Little Run That Could, July 8
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Anglesea Night Market #2, July 13
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Sun & Sand Police/Fire 5K, July 15
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Anglesea Night Market #3, July 27
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
JUNE 20, 2017
RE: Crab & Beer Festival Stage Request, August 5
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Anglesea Night Market #4, August 10
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Elvis Tribute/Summer Nites, August 12
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Del Conte, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
Beach Patrol:
Claire Brady Lifeguard 6/21/17
Matt Wade Lifeguard 6/21/17
Danielle Shead Lifeguard 6/21/17
Leonardo Zaccaria Lifeguard 6/21/17
Richard Giandrea Lifeguard 6/21/17
Morgan Cylc Lifeguard 6/21/17
Rae Lin Engel Lifeguard 6/21/17
Matthew Romano Lifeguard 6/21/17
Mike Gibson Lifeguard 6/21/17
Brian Dulin Lifeguard 6/21/17
Matthew Gain Lifeguard 6/21/17
Daniel Drumm Lifeguard 6/21/17
Laura Dingler Lifeguard 6/21/17
Peter Comas Lifeguard 6/21/17
Recreation Department:
Mary Golden Tourism Rep. 6/20/17
Mohamed Fathi Recreation Aide 6/23/17
Jeffrey Sakimura Recreation Aide 7/1/17
Jude Vogelman Recreation Aide 7/1/17
Joseph Jett Maintenance 8/1/17
Public Works Department:
Wayne Vogel Laborer 6/21/17
Christopher Jones Laborer 6/23/17
On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Kane, the above seasonal appointments be confirmed. Carried.
Anglesea Fire Company:
Dillon Mole Volunteer Firefighter
Brian Onuskanych Volunteer Firefighter
Richard Redmer Volunteer Firefighter
On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Kane, the roll being called with all voting in the affirmative, the above appointments were confirmed.
JUNE 20, 2017
Total monies collected for the Month:…………………………………$ 285,996.12
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……….………………….$ 203,390.72
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 416.00
Totals in NW for Month: Deaths -2- Marriages -4- Births -0-
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………….…………..…….$ 55,170.43
Total Incidents and Inspections for the Month………………………… 760
Total monies turned over to the City Clerk’s Office……………… …………..$ 673.70
Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month…………….. 2,646
Total monies turned over to the City Clerk’s Office……………… …………..$ 5,992.60
Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month…………….. 3,218
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………………. $9,825.00
Total # persons using Recreation Center….……………………………………….8,398
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………………. $15,453.00
Total # persons using Recreation Center….……………………………………….3,208
Total NW Calls for Month……………………………………………………………15
On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Kane, that the above reports be received and filed as presented. Carried.
# 163-17
RE: Authorizing Emergency Sewer Repairs On 6th Avenue Between Surf And Ocean Avenues
The above resolution was offered by Tolomeo, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 164-17
RE: Authorizing Approval Of Change Order #1 – Final & Payment Certificate #2 – Final Reconstruction Of The Greek Church Parking Lot
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 165-17
RE: To Certify That The Governing Body Has Reviewed That General Audit Comment & Recommendation Section Of The Report Of Audit
The above resolution was offered by Tolomeo, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
JUNE 20, 2017
# 166-17
RE: Authorizing Agreement For Member Participation In Cooperative Pricing System 25CMaCP Between County Of Cape May As Lead Agency And The City Of North Wildwood As Participating Agency
The above resolution was offered by Del Conte, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 167-17
RE: Amending Resolution #106-17 – Identifying Employees Assigned To State Or County Task Forces Or Teams And Municipal OEM Volunteers And CERT Team Members For Insurance Purposes
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 168-17
RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage Licenses For North Wildwood For The License Term July 1, 2017 To June 30, 2018
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 169-17
RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-004-010, Issued To Westy’s Of New Jersey, Inc. t/a Westy’s Irish Pub
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 170-17
RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-013-006, Issued To Adam Youschak, Inc. t/a Adam’s Restaurant, Red Parrot Lounge and Montego Bay Resort And Conference Center
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 171-17
RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-025-011, Issued To The Morey Organization, Inc.
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
JUNE 20, 2017
# 172-17
RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-010-006, Issued To Flip Flopz, LLC
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 173-17
RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-017-007, Issued To Boyz Club & Sportzyard t/a Keenan’s Irish Pub
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 174-17
RE: Implementing Ordinance 1716, Regulating The Operation Of Jitneys In The City Of North Wildwood
The above resolution was offered by Tolomeo, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Tolomeo, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #11-17, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.
Check # | Check Date | Vendor Name | Net Amount |
43317 | 6/14/2017 | NJ STATE HEALTH BENEFITS PRGRM | 201,771.70 |
43318 | 6/20/2017 | ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS, INC | 142,983.76 |
43319 | 6/20/2017 | ACTION UNIFORM CO. | 125.00 |
43320 | 6/20/2017 | AMERIFLEX | 465.50 |
43321 | 6/20/2017 | BOARDWALK SID MGMT CORP. | 6,250.00 |
43322 | 6/20/2017 | GOLD MEDAL ENVIORMENTAL NJINC | 8,092.00 |
43323 | 6/20/2017 | B W STETSON LLC | 60.10 |
43323 | 6/20/2017 | B W STETSON LLC | 36.00 |
43324 | 6/20/2017 | CAPE REGIONAL PHYSICIANS ASSC. | 660.00 |
43325 | 6/20/2017 | CAPE POWER EQUIPMENT, INC | 700.28 |
43326 | 6/20/2017 | CARLSEN GROUP INC, THE | 95.00 |
43327 | 6/20/2017 | C.M.C.M.U.A. | 958,367.50 |
43328 | 6/20/2017 | CAPE PROFESSIONAL BILLING, INC | 674.39 |
43329 | 6/20/2017 | ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC | 37,264.60 |
43330 | 6/20/2017 | COMCAST | 271.76 |
43331 | 6/20/2017 | COLONIAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY | 2,536.86 |
43332 | 6/20/2017 | CMC TECH H.S.AFTERPROM COMM | 300.00 |
43333 | 6/20/2017 | CAPE URGENT CARE | 100.00 |
43334 | 6/20/2017 | DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF NJ | 9,519.38 |
43335 | 6/20/2017 | DUFFY STRING BAND | 1,800.00 |
43336 | 6/20/2017 | DELL COMPUTER CORP. | 3,488.82 |
43337 | 6/20/2017 | ENVIROMENTAL & TECHNICAL SERV | 1,200.00 |
43338 | 6/20/2017 | GALLS (CITY) | 1,437.66 |
43338 | 6/20/2017 | GALLS (CITY) | 286.40 |
43339 | 6/20/2017 | GANN LAW BOOKS | 137.00 |
43340 | 6/20/2017 | GREENBAUM ROWE SMITH DAVIS LLP | 15,370.00 |
43341 | 6/20/2017 | GREAT AMERICAN FINANCIAL SERV | 358.00 |
43342 | 6/20/2017 | HERITAGE BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC | 2,496.36 |
43343 | 6/20/2017 | RICHARD HAAS | 196.60 |
43344 | 6/20/2017 | INTERSTATE MOBILE CARE | 4,665.00 |
43345 | 6/20/2017 | J.BYRNE AGENCY | 2,319.00 |
43346 | 6/20/2017 | JERRY AND SONS EXCAVATING | 3,702.72 |
43347 | 6/20/2017 | LOGO MAT CENTRAL LLC | 437.98 |
43348 | 6/20/2017 | WILLIAM MONAGHAN | 30.00 |
43348 | 6/20/2017 | WILLIAM MONAGHAN | 30.00 |
43349 | 6/20/2017 | MEDIA IN MOTION, INC | 3,890.00 |
43350 | 6/20/2017 | MARSH & MCLENNAN INC | 6,000.00 |
43351 | 6/20/2017 | MALL CHEVROLET | 55,390.00 |
43352 | 6/20/2017 | NEW HORIZON COMMUNICATIONS | 4,190.16 |
43353 | 6/20/2017 | ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INC | 97.50 |
43353 | 6/20/2017 | ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INC | 141.25 |
43354 | 6/20/2017 | J M OLIVER, INC | 6,200.00 |
43355 | 6/20/2017 | PERNA FINNEGAN, INC | 32,900.02 |
43356 | 6/20/2017 | AARON SEGIN | 245.98 |
43357 | 6/20/2017 | MORPHOTRAK, INC. | 2,633.69 |
43358 | 6/20/2017 | SONITROL SECURITY OF DE VALLEY | 148.27 |
43359 | 6/20/2017 | SHIRLEY ALSTON REEVES | 1,750.00 |
43360 | 6/20/2017 | THERESA ROBINSON | 30.00 |
43361 | 6/20/2017 | TREE SURGEON 89 LLC | 1,600.00 |
43362 | 6/20/2017 | TAYLOR OIL COMPANY | 2,509.04 |
43363 | 6/20/2017 | AXON ENTERPRISES INC | 797.00 |
43364 | 6/20/2017 | TRINITY CODE INSPECTIONS LLC | 15,826.80 |
43365 | 6/20/2017 | UNITED UNIFORMS | 323.96 |
43366 | 6/20/2017 | UNION ROOFING CONSTRUCTION INC | 1,495.00 |
43367 | 6/20/2017 | VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES | 217,465.49 |
43368 | 6/20/2017 | VERIZON | 14.00 |
43369 | 6/20/2017 | WEST PAYMENT CENTER | 185.25 |
43370 | 6/20/2017 | WILDWOOD CATHOLIC HS POST PROM | 700.00 |
43371 | 6/20/2017 | WEST BAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. | 24,277.09 |
43372 | 6/20/2017 | WILDWOOD’S BABY PARADE | 500.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 16.02 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 284.54 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 619.29 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 2,144.23 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 219.67 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 25.96 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 182.83 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,200.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 296.50 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 828.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 150.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 15.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 390.19 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 303.60 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 764.21 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 440.55 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 492.12 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 144.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 858.68 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 395.75 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 993.11 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,647.71 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 388.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 30.68 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 145.74 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 628.01 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 2,978.15 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 3,581.27 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,126.66 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,082.05 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 270.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 494.08 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 24.49 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 9,056.16 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 375.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 324.45 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 138.87 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 832.22 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 190.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 850.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 255.49 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,735.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 8,769.40 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 571.86 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 200.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 690.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 138.93 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 330.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,926.60 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 345.18 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,397.08 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 408.78 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 109.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,649.85 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 71.25 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 341.85 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 355.31 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 2,202.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 299.97 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 2,300.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 300.68 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 134.99 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,670.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 69.21 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 715.79 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 280.90 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 2,041.20 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 416.30 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 180.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 19.16 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 60.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 299.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 78.86 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 60.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 167.98 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 40.46 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 3,130.29 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 351.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 309.96 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 464.85 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,079.25 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 822.05 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 885.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 153.91 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 5,700.00 |
43382 | 6/20/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 68,750.00 |
COUNCILWOMAN BISHOP congratulated the Police Department for a job well done. All are encouraged to attend the Italian-American Festival this weekend.
MAYOR ROSENELLO stated that a number of projects will be wrapped up shortly. The installation of showers from 16th to 25th is progressing. The 16th Avenue Playground and ADA Boardwalk ramp are nearing completion. There is still some digging occurring on Surf Avenue in an attempt to get a head start on the fall sewer project. The bulkhead work on W. 19th Avenue will be done this summer.
Jeff Marvel, 501 W. 19th Avenue, stated that there should be more no-smoking signs around parks. There are cigarette butts all over Allen Park. The signs say no-smoking but the law is not being enforced. How will the City enforce a no-smoking ban on the Boardwalk? Everyone breaks laws sometimes, and many will choose to ignore the Boardwalk smoking ban. The stop sign in the 500 block of West 19th Avenue is not being enforced. Construction workers go straight through that stop sign at 40 mph and there are sometimes children and families walking in the neighborhood. Someone may get hurt there soon. Maybe the Police Department can patrol the area in the mornings and afternoons when the construction workers are driving there. At 19th Avenue on New Jersey there has been a truck parked for weeks which makes it a dangerous intersection. It is impossible to see around the truck to see if there is any oncoming traffic. This is especially important in the summer as we have many careless drivers here. Please enforce the laws better.
On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Bishop, that there being no further business before Council, we do now adjourn. Carried. 10:38 AM.
Patrick T. Rosenello, Mayor
W. Scott Jett, City Clerk
This is a generalization of the meeting of June 20, 2017 and not a verbatim transcript.