Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Would You Fight to Keep a Super Hero?

By Bingham

To The Editor:
Every kid needs a hero. Superman, Harry Potter, Shane Victorino may all fill the bill but, for most of us, are found only in books and on TV. They don’t take you camping. They don’t lead you in parades. They don’t teach you how to perfect your jump shot. They don’t come to your school to talk about good choices.
But something almost magical happened in Cape May and we found ourselves with a hero who does all those things (and a whole lot more). He doesn’t wear a cape but a uniform, badge, and beaming smile. He doesn’t drive the Batmobile but is just as recognizable in his DARE car. He may not have X`-ray vision but anyone who follows his daunting schedule will never doubt his super powers. Our very own hometown superhero is Officer Tony Genaro and he’s been protecting our kids and providing a real life role model for many years.
He is dedicated to all things kid in Cape May from Halloween parades to award presentations to PAL basketball games to ceremonies in the park to bike safety to drug education to name but a few. And it’s not just the fun times. I’ve seen him wade into some pretty intense situations and come out with resolution and the dignity of all involved intact. Take that Superman.
More than one child is going to college instead of nowhere because of this man. My anxious son sleeps better knowing Officer Tony watches over him.
But like all good super heroes, Officer Tony has an archenemy. And it would appear that the enemy is one we all know—money and the need to balance the budget. Genaro will no longer be the Juvenile Officer for Cape May. He has been reassigned. The cape is retired.
I do not pretend to know how the decision was made nor mean to judge it. I do know the vital role that Genaro plays in our childrens’ lives. I urge our community and its representatives to come up with a creative solution to bring Genaro back as a dedicated resource to our most important members, our kids. After all, how hard would you fight to keep a superhero in your hometown?
West Cape May

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