To the Editor:
In an unstable world, it will be good to have a sense of stability, and some semblance of order.
I always believed that the presidency meant more than someone with a title, sitting behind a desk. To me, they should represent the epitome of what is good in this nation. They should serve with honesty, integrity, understanding, kindness, honor, dignity, and a sense of duty.
They should be strong, when it’s called for, and compassionate when needed. They should serve all those in their care with a sense of equality, justice, empathy, and humility.
They should be respected by their allies and feared by their foes. Feared so others know that no matter how they try to dismantle our democracy, we will withstand anything they try to throw at us.
Where are we going to find such a Superman? Well, the man who is our 46th president is as close as we are going to get. I pray that everyone gives him the chance to prove it.
My second and third choices were FDR and Harry Truman. That isn’t likely, so we need to give this country the chance it truly deserves and so desperately needs.
Some folks won’t be happy. Some thrive on chaos and anarchy. Some are angry at the results of the election. Some can no longer fill their agendas, by taking advantage of others.
There is so much good to be done if everyone just stops, and takes a breath, and thinks about their decisions since each has a consequence, good or bad.
Think about who will be hurt and who will suffer because of what you did and/or how you did it. Think about being on the receiving end. How would you feel? I’m sure a lot different.
You would want to be treated with fairness and justice, so give this nation a chance to heal and mourn. A chance to thank all those who are doing their best for us.
They are tired, but they carry on. Show them our gratitude. Show them we do care, for without them, there would be no us.