To The Editor:
You all know the definition of insanity, there-fore, let us compare two different philosophies and presidents.
Wm. J. Clinton, after eight years in office, left us this: A multibillion-dollar surplus, peace and prosperity, no wars and a future to envy.
George W. Bush, after eight years left us a multi disaster and told us he kept us safe — and we bought it. Shame on us.
Again the Republicans are telling you they’re going to “help you.” They’ll help you with the budget and Social Secu-rity and Medicare and the debt ceiling. The Repub-licans again and again offer you all this “good stuff,” and in the end, you’ll have nothing.
Take a look at the Scandinavian countries and governments. They have total health coverage for all and free education, as well as full retirement. But most of all, they have peace without economic turmoil. Call it what you want but it’s better than where we are.
There was a Nazi poli-tician in the 30’s and 40’s named Joseph Goebels who said, “Tell them something over and over again and they will begin to believe it, whether right or wrong.” We have and have had people such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Coulter, Malkin, Ingraham continue this policy and we continue to lose ground, Solution: Were we to end the Bush tax cuts and the wars, we would begin to see the light. The above-mentioned people oppose this type solution over and over again (Think America or you lose).
The Republicans wish to privatize everything and one day we’ll begin to see them try to privatize the church, privatize the prisons and busi-ness. They’ve Haliburtoned the wars and keep trying with Social Security.
From capitalism to doomsday, it’s a proven axiom that we must pay taxes and we must die. Any disbelievers? Well don’t tell that to republi-can people such as Grover Norquist. Pay no taxes and everything will be OK says he. Next, he’ll be questioning the death aspect. Haven’t they gone a bit too far?
Cape May
(ED. NOTE: The quote by Nazi propagandist Jo-seph Goebels was, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military conse-quences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dis-sent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest en-emy of the State.”)
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?